The Benefits Of Management Practices

Management is the management of an organization, either alone, or in association with others such as the board of directors, managers, and employees. The management of the organization must set the goals, organize the staff, implement the strategies, and control the resources. The concept of management has different meanings for different people. For some, management is about planning, organizing, motivating, and empowering people to achieve a particular goal. Other people define management as: directing, providing solutions, analyzing results, maintaining quality, and controlling the environment.
In order to be a good manager, you should have the qualities of creativity, initiative, flexibility, analytical skill, delegation, motivation, interpersonal skills, leadership, understanding and appreciation for self and other people, honesty, and understanding of risks and uncertainties. Creativity in management is using one’s creativity in building up people’s skills, processes, and resources to achieve specific goals. Initiative is being capable of taking necessary risks to bring about improvement in the organization. If the manager can put his ideas into practice without much thinking, he is said to be “insanely imaginative”.
Besides, initiative and creativity, delegation is another important quality of a good manager. A manager is one who takes the responsibility for different jobs, which involve coordinating and supervising the other person’s work. It is necessary for a manager to decide what the correct way would be to achieve a certain goal. A manager should also possess leadership skills, since leadership is defined as leading by example. It is necessary to plan properly and effectively in order to lead the organization in the desired direction.
It is one of the key elements in the success of any human activity, and is an integral part of the process of decision making. The essence of leadership lies in the ability to motivate, inspire subordinates to work towards a common goal, and influence them to work together for the achievement of organizational goals. Besides, the leadership style should be able to provide clear and precise instructions to the work force in relation to the specific objectives of the activity concerned. Proper planning and implementation of activities are another important aspect of proper leadership.
A manager has to keep himself updated with all the changes that occur in the organization. He should know about the current trends in the market. He should be capable of predicting the changes that may occur and should keep himself informed of all major events that may affect the achievement of the objectives of the organization. He should have a clear vision of the future plans and strategies, and should prepare the organization for it. Proper management skills are necessary if the owner wants to make his business more successful.
Scrum, Lean Six Sigma and other new management approaches have made it possible for businesses to use less human resources. They have enabled organizations to run more efficiently and have more time to concentrate on providing excellent customer service, building a better image, increasing sales and profitability. By applying these new management approaches, organizations have improved employee satisfaction, increased production, reduced costs, and increased company loyalty and retention. These are some of the major benefits of good management practices.