Organizational Performance Management and the New Paradigm

The Management Study Program at Kaplan University is geared towards professionals who are planning to enter management positions in the future. This program was created by two men; one with twenty years of management experience and the other with experience as a manager. What the two men came up with was a management seminar that teach the principles of management, as well as strategies on how to become a successful manager in today’s market.
Management is an ever changing field; it evolves with the needs of the market it will be serving. The theories of management change with these changes; therefore, it is important that the managers of today plan to move with the times and adapt with the times. The two men behind the creation of the Management Study Program designed the program to keep up with the changing goals and needs of today’s managers. Their plan is built on five key principles.
Organizational Performance Management is built around six main areas that the seminars will address; human resources, financial management, learning and growth, internal organization design and the introduction of strategic alliances. These are the six areas that the program will focus on. These are all important areas to any manager looking to improve their managerial skills and performance. The introduction of strategic alliances provides an example of how an organization can use the alliance concept to its advantage to strengthen its organizational performance management. These are just a few topics that are included in the various seminars that will be held over the next several months.
The Human Resources area of management addresses the needs of employees and recruitment, development and training. This is done through the processes of hiring, development and other processes that employees go through. The introduction of systems theory into the Human Resources area of organizational design is done to teach managers the importance of processes and tools that are designed to ensure that the employees in organizations succeed and reach their goals. It is also necessary to provide employees with the right skills and information they need to accomplish their goals.
The Learning and Growth area of management addresses the needs of managers and how they can create a culture of learning and growth within their companies. The introduction of leadership theories such as the New Paradigm provide new avenues for managers to pursue success. These include concepts such as leadership, vision, values and integrity.
In order for organizations to use the New Paradigm in improving their organizational performance management, the top management must commit to its implementation. This commitment begins by understanding what it is they wish to achieve out of the change. Next the managers must determine what methods will be used to implement the desired change and organize their departments to work together towards achieving these goals. Finally, the managers must develop an action plan for the implementation of their plan. All of this is important in developing a plan for organizing the New Paradigm of organizing human resources.