Learning The Basics Of Management

Management is the management of an organization, be it a business, a public sector organization, or governmental body. It involves planning, organizing, leading, motivating, and controlling the work force of the organization. This work requires expertise and specific skills, as most managers have to plan and organize an organization’s resources in a way that meets the needs of the organization as a whole. Managers are also responsible for ensuring that the resources of the organization are used in the most efficient manner.
Management is divided into two major functions: strategic and operational. The strategic function focuses on the long-term goals of the organization. This includes long-term goals like maintaining steady market share, preventing loss of market share, increasing customer satisfaction, developing products and services, and attracting new customers. These goals are continuously reviewed and modified to face changing circumstances. The operational function, on the other hand, involves day-to-day activities. These activities include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, directing, and controlling.
Each functional area of a company has different functions and different ways of organizing the tasks of the various functional areas. Managers are needed to organize these tasks and make plans for their performance. They are also expected to set objectives and to monitor the performance of the manager. The five basic operations of management are the following: planning, organizing, managing, directing, and controlling.
In order to develop effective management skills, it is necessary for managers to understand the organization’s goals and objectives. Learning about these goals and objectives can be gained from a number of sources such as philosophy, sociology, marketing, engineering, and management studies. A manager should be knowledgeable about these fields, since they directly affect how he plans, leads, directs, and controls his employees. A manager’s task should be to effectively coordinate the activities of all his staff in order to meet the organization’s goals and objectives. He should foster unity within his staff by providing opportunities for them to contribute to the accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives.
Managers should realize that they are responsible for determining the quality and quantity of the materials and products produced by their employees. They must therefore be capable of effectively ordering, supervising, and managing production processes. In addition, they should set the quality and quantity standards for their employees’ tasks and ensure that these standards are consistently met. These skills are important elements of good manager skills.
A manager’s overall responsibility is to ensure that the staffs of his organization are organized, efficient, and focused on achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. He should see to it that all employees know what they are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it, and how they are supposed to do it. He should see to it that his employees know how much they are capable of doing, how well they are educated and trained, and how much their tasks are related to the objectives of the organization. The overall goal of this is to ensure that the organization as a whole is running in accordance with its goals and objectives. All employees should therefore understand what is expected of them, and they should know how to meet these expectations.